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87 images
2 galleries
25 galleriesThe biodiversity on Earth is stunning! Estimates of the current number of species on Earth varies from 2 millions to 10^12. What ever is the case it is a fact that about 1.6 million species has been described and they are truly beautiful and keep our planet in balance if they are allowed to live and evolve. Evolution has formed a tremendous variety of organisms, big and small. Here are photos of some of them...
4 galleries
241 imagesIn this gallery I have put images that I am personally very pleased with. They are listed by the day that are shot with the newest appearing on top of the gallery. Title, description and EXIF are given. The images here are not designed for download. If you want to buy some of these, please searc for the image number (given behind the title).
26 galleriesIn this collection I put images from the countries I have visited. Beautiful people and stunning environments from many locations. We do all share the same Worldt, we are all humans and should respect each other and the nature we are a part of...
9 galleries
36 imagesHere comes all sort of images that do not really belong in other collections...